Welcome to the OpenPli website

We are a community project focused on developing software for open source dvb receivers using the linux operating system and the Enigma2 application.

We currently support STB models from various vendors. Information about specific models, and the way our software operates can be found in our wiki.

If you are interested in contributing to the code see our development information. Most of our communication takes place on the forums, so stop by there if you have any specific questions.

Vendor-supported downloads

Multibox SE
UHD Quad 4K UHD UE 4K UHD Trio 4K UHD Quad 4K PRO
OS mini OS mini + OS mega OS nino OS nino + OS nino pro OS mio 4K OS mio 4K + OS mini 4K
PULSe 4K PULSe 4K mini
Star S Star 2S H.S H.2S H.2H Star H1 Star H2 H5 LC H5.2S H3.AC H5.AC H5.2TC H3.2TC H7.S H4 H7.C H7.AC H9.S H5.2S Plus H9.T I55 Plus H9.2H H9.2S H9 Combo H9 Twin H9 Twin SE H9 Combo SE H11 H9.S SE H9.2S SE H9.2H SE H8.2H H17 combo
Ustym 4K pro Ustym 4K S2 ott X
SF8008 SF8008 mini SFX6008 SFX6018 SX88v2 SX888

Other available downloads →

Latest News


UK Online Safety Act

We have updated our privacy policy to reflect the actions we take on our websites in relation to the UK online safety act. Our site, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 18 years old. If you are under the age of 18, per the requirements of the GDPR ( […]

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Hanssettings October 2023 available

Due to a human error during the creation of the Hanssettings 😉 , they are finally available via the feeds and, as usual, also available as an ipk file which can be found in the relevant Hanssettings forum section.The list for October 2023 is available now.

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Release-9.0 made public

Release 9.0 has been made public as of Monday, October 23. With the arrival of this version we say goodbye to Python2, which means that we also have to say goodbye to a number of plugins that are not compatible with Python3. It is preferable to re-flash the new software, this can be done using […]

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Older News

Great news for all (former) Xtrend users. Securitycheck removed.
[Security] CVE-2017-9807 – OpenWebIf Vulnerability
OpenPLi 4 release for the Vu+ Ultimo 4K
HansSettings E2 Channelsettings updated
OpenPLI with JESS support from december 12.
OpenPLi releases VU+ Solo 4K image.
“C” library update causes massive package updates